Edge Hill SU Picks…Our Best Films of 2018!

Friday 21-12-2018 - 09:06
Best films 2018

Can you believe it’s the end of 2018?!


After a year of highs, lows, and everything-in-betweens, here at Edge Hill Students’ Union we’ve all gone a bit nostalgic…


In between readying ourselves for a new year filled to the brim with the biggest calendar of events, elections, and awards nights yet, your Sabbatical Officers and SU Staff have been casting our minds back over the last year to remember our favourite films!


Now, before the eagle-eyed among you pull us up for films five, ten, or even twenty years old, we decided to be quite relaxed with rules for inclusion. What we’re saying is, if we saw the film at any point in 2018, regardless of when it was released, there’s a good chance it might be included here…


All that’s left is to get reading (and no doubt disagreeing!). Let us know what you make of our choices!



Your Sabbatical Officers’ Favourite Films of 2018

Joe Bradford (SU President)Black Panther

Going to have to be Black Panther because of how eye catching it was, and how it was a complete breakthrough.




Molly Houghton (VP Welfare) - Love Simon


It was the first time a major-studio had made romantic comedy starring a gay teen at the centre. As well as the fact that the film itself is just gorgeous.




Luke Myer (VP Academic Representation) - Arrival or American Animals


According to my Letterboxd account…



Daniel Bocharnikov (VP Activities) Annihilation




Your Students’ Union Staff Team’s Favourite Films of 2018


Arthur Kaddu (Academic & Campaigns Coordinator)Black Panther and Widows




Mishal Saeed (Academic & Campaigns Coordinator) – Aqua Man and Black Panther




David Jones (Policy and Campaigns Manager) – Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri




Janice Barnes (Business Development Manager) - 12 Angry Men


Favourite of all time, not just this year!




Vicky Harrison (Graphic Designer) - Deadpool 2 / Annihilation


Favourite film ever? Alien.




George Aird (Communications Coordinator) – Beast


Short and sweet…apart from not so sweet, it’s a film about psychopaths.




Christie Bainbridge (Activities Coordinator) – The Intouchables




Philip Jones (Student Adviser) – Deadpool 2




Esther Putsey (Student Adviser) – The Incredibles 2




Toby West (Finance Assistant) – Baby Driver


I don’t get to the cinema unless it’s a kid’s film, so I end up watching most films about a year late 😉



Paul Malone (Chief Executive)Sicario

Though it’s not as good as the original, and the original’s soundtrack.

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