Midwifery Society

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 Who are we?

We are a student organisation made up of second and third year midwifery students who are passionate about providing safe and high quality care to women. We support fellow midwifery students within the university and share the vision of a 'student-led' society. Through this, we also work to support local charities and organisations to further support families in need. 


What we do: 

As a midwifery society, our aim is to create and maintain a strong and safe community whereby our members can access support and are able to put forward their thoughts and ideas to collectively enhance our midwifery education experience. We believe this student-led approach will allow us to meet the extra-curricular needs of our midwifery cohorts and consequently improve general morale and self-confidence amongst our peers. We aim to do this by hosting various study days, guest speakers and skill sessions throughout the academic year. Due to the nature of our chosen career, we strongly value the importance of local charities and organisations, particularly those who work to support the most vulnerable of families. We will therefore be hosting a number of fundraising events and opportunities to raise money and donate to our chosen charities, food banks and local Trusts.



We would love to hear from you, whether it be for a listening ear or to hear your fabulous ideas! Please feel free to get in touch on:


or Instagram @ehumidwiferysociety




President: Rebecca Johnson Gauder

Vice President: Katie Thomas

Secretary: Melissa Miles

Vice Secretary: April Bartlett

Treasurer: Libby Moss

Vice Treasurer: Katie Lee