Below you can find a full list of FAQs about our elections process, and changes for 2021. We'll also be updating this page over the coming weeks with any further questions we have. 


This is, obviously, not a comprehensive list. It does, however, cover some of the most common questions we get asked at the Students’ Union.


Of course, if your question isn’t in the below list, don’t be shy! Give us an email at suelections@edgehill.ac.uk and we’d be happy to help!




What should I put in my Manifesto?


Here’s where you can get creative. We would suggest considering what has affected students most over the last year and addressing how you will make a difference when in post. As a guideline:  

  • Address topics of note specific to the Faculty you will represent.
  • Think about different areas of student engagement and where your focus and interests lie (remember, you will be responsible for welfare and wellbeing, activities, societies, and academic support, so specific examples of how you will improve Edge Hill students’ experience are crucial).
  • Introduce yourself on a personal level! If you want students to remember (and ultimately vote!) for you, then you need to stand out!


As a general rule, always be positive about how you can make a real difference. It not only engages students more, it’ll ensure you don’t break any election By-Laws! You can read our full Manifesto guidance here!




Are there any rules in the elections?


Yes! Our elections are all subject to the EHSU Election By-Laws, which you can find on our website.




How do I become a candidate?


The only way to become a candidate is to nominate yourself during the specified nomination window (23 August - 03 September).


All nominations are self-nominations. For example, your friend can’t do it on your behalf.




Can anyone run?


All current Edge Hill Students can run in the election. However, you can only run for the full-time position aligned with your faculty.


We are also placing more emphasis on fit and proper candidates. If you are wondering if you are a fit and proper candidate, you might want to check out the Nolan Principles of public life.




What if I don’t want to run, but I know someone who might be interested?


That’s great! If you know someone who might be a perfect fit for a role, you can recommend them by emailing suelections@edgehill.ac.uk and we'll get in touch. 




Do I have to take a year out of study to become a student officer?


Usually, yes this is the case – however, if you have any specific questions, feel free to email suelections@edgehill.ac.uk.


The idea of the full-time roles is that, for the year you are in office, they will equate to a full-time job. This is why you receive a full-time salary from the Students’ Union, including benefits and perks like any other staff member.





How many years can I remain a student officer?


Full-time officers must re-run for each year-long term in office. If you win an election, you have only been elected for one year (term ending at the end of June).


The maximum number of terms for a full-time student officer is two. These years do not have to be run consecutively.




What happens if I can’t make Candidate Briefing ?


As long as you let us know in advance, this is okay. While these sessions are incredibly important, if you have a valid reason not to attend we will organise alternative arrangements for you.





Can I pull out of the elections once I have nominated myself?


Yes (but we hope you stay!).




What do I do if I suspect someone is cheating in the SU Elections?  


All information about making a complaint can be found on the Edge Hill SU elections webpages (edgehillsu.org.uk/elections).