Policing Society

  • Policing


Hello! We are the policing society here at Edge Hill, we're here to give those who enjoy policing and its topics a space to hang out and make friends. You don't have to be a policing student to join, Everyone is welcome! 

As an academic society we can give you help in your studies, we can do that by organizing networking events and inviting over guest speakers, in the past we've had Chief Inspectors come in to talk about their time in the police. 

As well as academic events you guys also have the opportunity to get involved in Wednesday Socials at the SU bar! we are also going to be hosting game and movie nights and possible trips out!



The beauty of this society is that it is what you guys make it, we are open to any and all suggestions for activities you guys might have so don't be shy and join us! we can't wait to meet you!