Arts & Sciences President

Antonnette Mapesa, Arts & Sciences President 2023-2024

About Me


I’m Antonnette, and I’m this year’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences President! First, thank you for your confidence in me to take on the role, we’ve got a very exciting year coming up, with the new SU building and a new dynamic within the team. 

I am a second year Biotechnology student, I have a keen interest in F1, Disney and art. And, whilst those are some fun facts, they also apply to me as a person as they make me a caring, curious, and ambitious person. I am a passionate person who leads with emotion and integrity and am very excited to take this role head on!

Student voice is the most important thing to listen to and I hope to continue to empower and amplify the student voice. I am keen to improve student morale across our faculty and feed into the rest of the uni. University is about your degree and so much more. I ran to improve the student experience and connect us all here at Edge Hill, within our courses and throughout the faculty. I have some key things I’ll be tackling this year and will do my best to always update you.

I’m a friendly face, don’t be afraid to say hi! My door is always open (metaphorically), I’ll always be around. Let’s get through this together

Contact Me
