Women's Officer

Emily Braiden, Women's Officer 2023-2024

About Me


My name is Emily Braiden and I'm the Women's Officer! I am so excited to be taking on this voluntary role and I am grateful for all of the support from the students who voted. 

I'm from Belfast, Northern Ireland and I am currently on my second year studying Creative Writing. I spent a lot of my life doing drama with a love for performing in musicals and plays. I am an avid reader, enjoy being outdoors and rewatch Gilmore Girls every Autumn!

My main focus as Women's Officer is to address, raise awareness and educate on issues that affect women.  In particular, I would like to focus on the topic of sexual harrassment and assault of women as I feel it is such a prevalent issue. I want every woman in the University to feel safe in their time here and that they are being listened to. As well as this, I plan to be an open contact for students for anything they may be facing and see what I can do to help. As a writer, I believe that words hold a lot of power and I plan to write pieces to bring different topics to light. 

If you want to contact me, please do as I am very happy to hear all ideas, thoughts and issues.

Contact Me


Email: suengagement@edgehill.ac.uk