
This page contains information about withdrawing from your studies and was collated by members of our expert Advice team.



Are you considering withdrawing from university?


If you are dealing with personal circumstances which mean you are unable to complete your course or you do not wish to continue on your course. Or you are experiencing issues with your degree. 


If you need emotional support regarding this, you can consider contacting the Wellbeing Team.


You can also discuss your options prior to withdrawing with us or the Transitions Team.


It may be that interrupting your studies for a period of time or repeating an academic year is more appropriate for you, although there is no automatic right to those processes. 



How to withdraw


Withdrawal is decided in collaboration with your faculty, therefore you must speak to a university staff member to have it approved, such as your personal tutor or programme lead.


They should also discuss your other options, such as taking time out of you studies or transferring to a different course.


If you still wish to withdraw then you must complete the Withdrawal form and submit it to the Academic Registry, including the reasons for the withdrawal and your last date of engagement.


The form must be submitted within 10 working days of the last day of engagement.




Implications of a student-led withdrawal


If your withdrawal is granted then you will not be able to continue with your current studies at Edge Hill. Depending on your time at university you will only get an exit award for assessments that have been completed, passed and considered by the Assessment Board.


You will need to return any Edge Hill equipment or uniforms and you will no longer be able to use Edge Hill’s services such as the library, accommodation or able to attend teaching.


You will still have to pay tuition fees for the time you have spent at university, including part of an academic year, the Tuition Fee Team will inform you of the balance owed. 


If you are planning on completing a degree at another university you will need to consider whether you will still have funding from Student Finance left.



University-led withdrawal


Students can be withdrawn from university if they have not engaged with their program and do not meet the attendance level required. Students will be notified of this by letter.


There is an appeal process if you disagree with the decision and the Withdrawal Appeal form can be obtained from the Academic registry via AR-Academic-Records@edgehill.ac.uk. You must appeal within 10 working days of your withdrawal letter. 


A First Stage appeal can only be submitted on one or more of the following grounds: 

  1. The University has not followed its own procedures properly, including through administrative error, and this has clearly affected the outcome. This is called a ‘procedural irregularity’
  2. Circumstances beyond a student’s control prevented them from engaging with their studies. Good reasons of significant relevance also prevented them from informing their faculty/department before the withdrawal decision was made. These are known as ‘mitigating circumstances’
  3. Unfairness or a perception of unfairness in the way the faculty/department has reached the decision to withdraw the student. This is also known as ‘bias’ 
  4. Where issues do not fall neatly into the above categories, students are encouraged to raise them for consideration by the relevant head of department or nominee 


You must submit a statement along with evidence to support your appeal, we can review your appeal drafts before you submit them. 


Your completed appeal must be sent to the Academic Registry.


There is a Second Stage Review if the first is unsuccessful, this will be considered by the Vice Chancellor and Dean. They will determine whether the decision of the first stage appeal was reasonable. This decision will be final. 


You must submit the Second Stage Review within 10 working days of your appeal decision letter.



Helpful links