Joint Tenancies

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A joint tenancy is a type of housing contract where tenants share responsibility of paying rent. 


Joint tenancies are scarcer these days, there are still landlords and letting agents that prefer to use them. If you do sign a joint tenancy, you should be aware that the tenants have to elect a “lead tenant” (or the landlord will appoint one).


The lead tenant will be responsible for ensuring:

  • All tenants make the appropriate payments to the landlord (for example rent, deposit)
  • Utility bills are paid by each tenant (if bills are not inclusive)


The lead tenant should also be sent the combined deposits and distribute the deposits to each tenant at the end of the tenancy.


Additionally, where bills are not all inclusive (or the tenants have exhausted the fair usage capping allowance), utility companies will pursue the lead tenant for any outstanding payments, regardless of whether they have paid their individual share of the bill. Similarly, if the group of tenants go into rent arrears, the landlord may decide to pursue the lead tenant for the arrears.


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